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Rosetta and Virtuoso

Short presentation on Rosetta, Virtuoso in bed with Newtion and Gödel. What's in an assumption?

From the archives: the origins of VirtuosoNext

VirtuosoNext Designer can be considered a 5th generation of the Virtuoso RTOS, whose origins go back to 1991. It was the first RTOS that was completely distributed and mainly used for parallel DSP applications, often in the demanding aero-space-defense domain. Some target systems had 12000 processors, the most prominent one was ESA's Rosetta spacecraft.

Main mission of Rosetta's Philae lander accomplished

Today (15 November 2014), Rosetta's Philae lander went into sleep, its batteries depleted but still it could upload the last set of measurements. The lander might wake up again if it can catch enough sunlight to recharge the batteries. Rosetta itself will continue its mission.

Rosetta rendez-vous with comet. Virtuoso RTOS on board.

Historic mission in search of the Origin of the Solar System

With a go-ahead in 1993, the Rosetta ESA mission was finally launched in March 2004. After a 10 years journey through our solar system, it has finally arrived and made rendez-vous with the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Comet.



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