You are hereFunctional Safety Engineering Processes: not a burden but a benefit.
Functional Safety Engineering Processes: not a burden but a benefit.
Altreonic is speaking at Flanders Drive' seminar on Functional Safety Engineering Processes: not a burden but a benefit.
Eric Verhulst, CEO/CTO of Altreonic will open the seminar by putting the concept of safety engineering in a wider perspective under the title "Zen and the art of safety engineering".
The perfectly safe car could be the one that doesn’t move. Clearly, more will be needed to make such a Panamarenko car acceptable as a real car. What is needed is a total concept of Trustworthiness. The trust that it works as advertised means not only good systems engineering but also that it works as advertised under all circumstances. Albeit an important one, safety is just one of the required system properties.
Download the presentation here.
Thursday, 29 April 2010 from 9.00u-18.00 hrs.
De Montil, Moortelstraat 8, 1790 Essene, België. For registration and program visit