New release of GoedelWorks 2.0
Altreonic has the pleasure to announce the new v.2.0 release of its GoedelWorks portal. It inherits from v.1.0. the "systems grammar" that with 16 core concepts allows to define any systems engineering project. It keeps the view that a system is the end-result of a development project whereby a chosen process (often domain and organisation specific) is followed.
GoedelWorks v.2.0 now includes a standard template pattern for all process steps and activities executed in the development "Work Packages". Being generic, it maps onto any domain and defines 7 activities that must be performed: planning-development-verification-testing-integration-validation-review. Each of these is decomposed in planning-doing-documenting-reviewing and confirmation phases that are coherently linked into a dependency tree assuring the consistency of the deliverables and supporting evidence. The user can customise these by defining standard templates for each of them.
Additionally, GoedelWorks v.2.0 adds the capability to define internal resources, e.g. human personnel and equipment, fulfilling process prescribed roles (often referred to as the RACI roles). In combination with a GANNT chart plug-in, the project manager can track the progress of the project and the usage of resources.
GoedelWorks 2.0 is used internally and applied to the development of a scalable small e-mobility vehicle (see the presentation at FISITA). Another project is the creation of a qualification package for OpenComRTOS. For this purpose a new tool was developed that allows to import existing source code repositories into a GoedelWorks portal. In conjunction with a switchable source code editor, the user can now use the GoedelWorks portal for traceable software engineering.