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Altreonic presents at VALID 2010

The Second International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle will take place August 22-27, 2010 in Nice, France. Altreonic presents its results from the ITEA EVOLVE project under the title "Interacting Entities Modelling Methodology for Robust Systems Design" on Tuesday, August 24. See attached paper.

Altreonic involved in EVOLVE project (ITEA)

Altreonic's research partner Open License Society participates in the ITEA EVOLVE project (Evolutionary Validation, Verification and Certification) with partners from Belgium, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Portugal. For Belgium (Flanders) there is a participation of Barco, Melexis, TriPhase, Open License Society and K.U.Leuven with funding approved by IWT.

In this project Open License Society acts as the research partner for Melexis and will further research the development of  "OpenCookbook", supporting the Melexis engineering flow in an incremental way. Keywords are tracebility and IEC 61508 compliance. Integration with OpenVE and SDL-RT is planned as well to demonstrate the wide applicability of the approach. See the project leaflet in attachment.

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