You are hereANTIFRAGILE 2014, 2-5 June 2014. Paper available.

ANTIFRAGILE 2014, 2-5 June 2014. Paper available.

By eric.verhulst - Posted on 25 January 2014

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The novel topic of antifragility could initiate a paradigm shift on how we think about systems engineering, especially in a societal context. For those following the ARRL LinkedIn group, our paper on the antifragility concept in systems and safety engineering was accepted. It was a good exercise. Relevant conclusions:

  1. We need an ARRL-6 and an ARRL-7 level. ARRL-7 is the actual antifragile level. ARRL-6 is halfway (monitoring and preventive maintenance with immediate repair).
  2. For ARRL-7, we need to consider the environment with its processes and stakeholders as well as a supervising independent regulating authority as part of the system. Some might call this a "system of systems".
  3. Antifragile systems actually exist. Examples are the aviation industry, telecommunication networks, and other. Most of them have a societal importance.
  4. We can consider adaptive biological systems as ARRL-8 systems.

It was nice to see that the ARRL criterion scales so easily and is in line with what actually exists in the real world. We are currently in the process of investigating what this means for mobility and transport. This system is currently more or less at ARRL-3. Bringing it to ARRL-7 will require a serious effort and paradigm shift, but this could well be the only way to keep it sustainable.

Links to the workshop here.


ANTIFRAGILE_02_EricVerhulst.pdf379.12 KB
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