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Packet switching for Mobility: measuring mobility efficiency

Altreonic has published a new article on the Move Forward website. Below the abstract:

In earlier sections we advocated applying some of the principles of packet switching, the backbone technology of Internet and telecom, to mobility and transport. After all, the similarity is clear. Packets carry bits, vehicles carry people and goods. How should we measure its efficiency?

Altreonic invited speaker at HIPEAC, Spring CSW in Porto

Eric Verhulst will be speaking at the Spring Computer Systems Week in Porto, presenting at a thematic session on Program transformation and analysis approaches for future computing systems (ProTrans). Title of the presentation: "From CSP to Interacting Entities for programming and modelling". Details can be found here.

Packet switching for mobility: The cost, ride and vehicle sharing app

Altreonic has published a new article on the Move Forward websiteBelow the abstract:

In an earlier article, we advocated applying some of the principles of packet switching, the backbone technology of internet and telecom, to mobility and transport. After all, the similarity is clear. Packets carry bits, vehicles carry people and goods. In a first of a series of three articles, we'll explore some possibilities. We'll start by analysing the impact of sharing vehicles.

E-mobility Reinvented 27-28 April, 2016 | Berlin, Germany

Altreonic will be exhibiting and presenting at the IDTechEx conference/exhibition in Berlin 27-28 April 2016. Altreonic will provide a presentation "KURT E-Vehicle For Enabling Urban Mobility: Versatile, Scalable And Cost-Efficient".

Visit us in the exhibition hall booth I13.

Peter Harrop, Chairman of the IDTechEx market research company : “Years ago I pointed out that the 100 or so manufacturers of car- like specialist electric vehicles should not design every one from scratch but have a common platform. The industry is ridiculously fragmented. Altreonic’s KURT vehicle is one of the first that has the potential to overcome this uneconomic fragmentation”.

Dr. Bodo Schwieger from Team Red (an international consultancy firm on mobility and transport), stated in an interview: “Amongst the mobility solutions of 150 providers we evaluated, the modularity of the KURT concept is unique”.

Steer by Web for KURT

Altreonic has demonstrated for the first time "steer by web" capability for its KURT vehicle. Using a camera input and a smartphone, the vehicle was remotely steered over internet using a web application. Even with the application server and the vehicle being widely apart (about 3000 km) and using a standard ADSL connection, the control was with minimal delay. This brings KURT in the domain of Internet of Things, enabling semi-autonomous driving for a fleet of KURT vehicles. 

The KURT light-weight vehicle is completely modular and driven by a redundant software and hardware architecture. Internally, Altreonic's VirtuosoNext network-centric RTOS is used to execute the distributed control strategy of 4 independent wheels each with their own motor. Further work will focus on increasing security and error resilience. For more information, contact Altreonic.

KURT at Autotechnica 2016 Brussels

Altreonic has been showcasing the KURT production prototype at Autotechnica 2016 in Brussels Expo from 20st to 23rd March 2016. Altreonic was guest at the TRAXIO booth. Traxio is the Belgian federation of the automotive industry in Belgium. We had the pleasure to welcome the Federal and Flemish ministers of Mobility, Mme Galant and Mr. Weyts.

The exhibition was cut short following the blind terror attacks on 22nd March in Brussels. All our sympathies to all victims of this senseless violence.

Seal of Excellence for KURT

Altreonic received the seal of excellence from the European Commission for its SME-II project proposal under the title "Sustainable electric mobility for urban environments by deploying a novel and disruptive e-vehicle system for city logistics and people transport".

This means that Altreonic passed all stringent Horizon 2020 assessment thresholds for all award criteria: excellence, impact, quality and efficiency of implementation. The very positive evaluation by independent international experts is a very positive encouragement for our efforts over the last 3 years to develop KURT as a modular and scalable electric vehicle. Uniquely versatile, it might well be an enabler for urban electro-mobility to take off.

City Car Summit. Berlin 15-16 March 2016

Altreonic presented its KURT e-vehicle for urban mobility at the City Car Summit in Berlin. The KURT concept is an enabling solution for urban mobility by its modular and scalable design. It takes into account many of the issues with existing electric vehicles by a radical design concept that takes the benefits offered by electric propulsion into account from the very beginning. The result is an astonishing new type of Light Electric Vehicle that covers multiple classes in the L category. More information on the City Car Summit 2016 website.

Transport for smart cities 2016: scaling innovation in Europe

Join Altreonic for a full day at the Transport for smart cities conference day on 28 January 2016 in Brussels. Conference website:

Altreonic will discuss under the topic "Mobility as a Service: what does it mean?". Mobility as a Service is often mentioned as the next step on the Mobility roadmap. This is often interpreted as a providing additional services to an existing mobility and transport infrastructure. We argue that this might not be enough to reach the next step. We should define it as a next level of Quality (QoS) in the exercise of our Mobility needs. In this short presentation we explore the idea of applying the principles of packet switching to filling in the mobility needs, especially in the context of sustainable urban mobility whereby electrification goes hand in hand with taking another look at how a vehicle is developed, used and supplied with energy.

The year of the KURT

The sun's energy and carbon, the source of all life.

Many of you expect to receive my annual poem at the year's transition. I must admit, becoming a poet once per year is getting harder. I guess our brain evolves eliminating gradually the free-form associations, our life experience patterns taking over. Nevertheless, for those who prefer to skip the next philosophical ramblings, I still managed to write a short one.

This being said, best wishes for an inspiring new year!

(The sun's energy and carbon, source of all life).



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