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GoedelWorks links with production and ERP

GoedelWorks is Altreonic's environment to guide the systems engineering process from early requirements till the last implementation item. This can be a mechanical or electric component, a piece of software or a procured subsystem component. GoedelWorks henceforth provides improved support for entering the production stage after the engineering project has been approved.

New version of GoedelWorks booklet

An updated version of the booklet on "Trustworthy Systems Engineering with GoedelWorks 3" is available for download. It now contains a chapter on the ARRL criterion and describes the details of the extended GoedelWorks’ metamodel. The latter describes a generic metamodel for Work Packages. New features are illustrated with a concise description of the OpenComRTOS Qualification Project. The booklet can be downloaded from the GoedelWorks page.

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ARRL: a novel criterion for trustworthy safety critical systems

Altreonic will present the novel ARRL criterion at the SASSUR (Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches for Safety-Critical Systems) workshop of SAFECOMP2013 on 24th September in Toulouse, France. The paper is co-authored with the Simula Research Lab in Norway (Jose Luis de la Vara) and the University of Antwerp (Vincenzo di Florio).

In summary: ....


Joseph Kiniry, Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen replied in a lively discussion topic on "GNATprove, integrating theorem provers with software development" in the LinkedIn discussion group "Formal Methods: Specification, Verification, TCG" as follows:

"We find Altreonic's work tremendous. Their pragmatic use of formal methods toward high-end business needs is really a case study in how to do things right and communicate ones results to industry and the academic community. We, too, believe that there is too much emphasis on post-design validation (and, rarely, verification) and believe that a pragmatic correctness-by-construction approach that appreciates and leverages existing quality development practices is the way forward." (quoted with permission).

New white paper on trustworthy systems engineering

Altreonic is releasing a new white paper on trustworthy systems engineering highlighting how a unified approach can help in mastering the complexity. Trustworthy systems require a trustworthy process developing them. The complexity comes from the fact that many interdependent domains and views are involved, including the human factor. But once understood and all dependencies identified, a framework emerges that complements the engineer's experience providing guidance. The rest is mainly applying discipline and working in team. The framework is supported by the GoedelWorks environment.  

Altreonic approach to systems engineering with the GoedelWorks environment

GoedelWorks systems grammarAltreonic announces the availability of GoedelWorks* an internet based portal for safety and systems engineering. It is made available under a SaaS (Software As A Service) business model.
Based on a formalised approach, GoedelWorks is a new technology platform for collaborative systems and safety engineering project delivery. Developed for use by global and distributed teams, GoedelWorks is designed to facilitate how people work together to build systems and products, making project delivery more collaborative, productive, and transparent. You can think of GoedelWorks as an extensible framework that dynamically integrates and synchronizes people, processes, and resources associated with systems engineering development projects. From very small chips to large networked systems, GoedelWorks is the platform that facilitates teamwork and project management.



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