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GoedelWorks links with production and ERP

By eric.verhulst - Posted on 15 July 2016

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GoedelWorks is Altreonic's environment to guide the systems engineering process from early requirements till the last implementation item. This can be a mechanical or electric component, a piece of software or a procured subsystem component. GoedelWorks henceforth provides improved support for entering the production stage after the engineering project has been approved.

Using a unifying metamodel for systems engineering, users of GoedelWorks build up the dependency tree during development. It combines the project entities and artefacts with the required process steps and supporting evidence. GoedelWorks also needs to be practical. Systems and products developed with GoedelWorks can contain thousands of components and subsystems while a computer screen has only a limited size. The latest extensions of GoedelWorks greatly improve support for navigating the complexity and dependencies of larger systems.

Firstly, besides version management for individual entities, GoedelWorks has the capability to create specific system configurations. This allows sharing common parts with full traceability for dependencies as well as traceability in time. The result is that more of the project's evidence can be reused and e.g. qualification costs are reduced for new product or system variants.

Secondly, a new hierarchical table presentation was introduced. This allows a much more compact presentation on the screen with information hiding, only displaying the relevant data. As the table entries can be edited, data entry is faster as well. 

A more compact information display is further fostered by the introduction of a new dependency link type that establishes direct links between specific engineering activities and project entities such as detailed specifications.

Thirdly, the project's workproducts (the final result of all the development activities) can now be grouped into a Bill of Materials table for easy transfer to production and the organisation's ERP system. This is the starting point for lifetime traceability linking the engineering data with production and usage data. The latter requires the system to be periodically or real-time monitored when in use.

Altreonic is using GoedelWorks internally for developing amongst others the KURT electric vehicle platform. GoedelWorks is available under a SaaS and Open Technology Licensing scheme for external users.

More information about GoedelWorks can be found in Altreonic's booklet on Systems Engineering with GoedelWorks. Download it here.



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