Trustworthy forever

Altreonic at Intel's European Research and Innovation Conference 2010

Altreonic will present at Intel's ERIC 2010 conference in Braunschweig, Germany under the title "Ubiquitous computing with a unifying programming model", fitting well in one of the focus areas: many-core / parallel processing.

The conference takes place from 21st till 22nd September 2010. For details and registration visit Intel's web site.

Altreonic at International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2010

SoC is an annual symposium held at Tampere, Finland - The SoC City. It builds on the tradition of a series of SoC events organized annually since 1999. The mission of SoC is to provide a forum that is fully and comprehensively dedicated to SoC issues.

Altreonic will present at the Tutorial on Dependable Hardware and Software for Embedded Computing Platforms as invited speaker and at the tutorial:

Tuesday, Sept 28, 2010

  • 11:00 Formal Development vs. Formal Verification - The OpenComRTOS Example. E. Verhulst, Altreonic,
  • 13:30 An Architecture for Scalable Concurrent Embedded Software. E. Verhulst, Altreonic.

and as invited guest speaker on the conference (29 Sept) with as subject "Present and future challenges in developing a manycore RTOS"

More information on the SoC event is available at the SoC website

Altreonic speaker at Ami-Es-2010

Altreonic will be speaking at the 9th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems (AmiEs-2010) Friday 1st October with as title "An integrated and formalised systems engineering methodology with integrated tools for embedded applications.

See the conference website for more details and registration.

Altreonic presents at VALID 2010

The Second International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle will take place August 22-27, 2010 in Nice, France. Altreonic presents its results from the ITEA EVOLVE project under the title "Interacting Entities Modelling Methodology for Robust Systems Design" on Tuesday, August 24. See attached paper.

Altreonic's StarFish scalable high reliability controller available for preview

Altreonic is now pre-announcing its new high reliability StarFish product range. Designed as a scalable and customisable range of embedded controllers, it can handle a wide range of real-time embedded applications. The basic building block is the StarFish-42. It has two dual-core 400 MHz 32Bit processors, each running up to 8 threads in the hardware. Supported by the formally developed OpenComRTOS, large networks of processing nodes can be transparently programmed. For this purpose StarFish hosts a wide range of communication and I/O capabilities like 100 Mbit/sec ethernet, CAN and direct links for inter block communication.

Altreonic bundles its realtime tools in OpenComRTOS Designer

Altreonic NV, the Belgium based embedded software solutions provider is pleased to announce the bundling of its formally developed and network centric OpenComRTOS with supporting tools in an integrated tool suite. The suite comprises OpenComRTOS 1.3, OpenVE and OpenTracer.

Altreonic presents its solutions at the Hannover Industrie Messe

1. Altreonic presents its solutions at Hannover Industrie Messe.

Reliable and trustworthy systems today requires engineering efforts at the system level.

Altreonic provides solutions enabling you to develop and certify your next high reliability safety critical application.
Visit us at Hannover Messe 2010, 19-23 April 2010, Hall 9 Stand F30.

To get your free e-ticket click on the following url and register:

Bring the printed ticket with you when visiting the largest industrial fair in the world; It is valid for the whole week and gives you free public transport to the Messe.

Functional Safety Engineering Processes: not a burden but a benefit.

Altreonic is speaking at Flanders Drive' seminar on Functional Safety Engineering Processes: not a burden but a benefit.

Eric Verhulst, CEO/CTO of Altreonic will open the seminar by putting the concept of safety engineering in a wider perspective under the title "Zen and the art of safety engineering".


The perfectly safe car could be the one that doesn’t move. Clearly, more will be needed to make such a Panamarenko car acceptable as a real car. What is needed is a total concept of Trustworthiness. The trust that it works as advertised means not only good systems engineering but also that it works as advertised under all circumstances. Albeit an important one, safety is just one of the required system properties.

Download the presentation here.

Thursday, 29 April 2010 from 9.00u-18.00 hrs.
De Montil, Moortelstraat 8, 1790 Essene, België. For registration and program visit

Altreonic presents at Embedded World

As part of its participation activities in Embedded World 2010,
Altreonic's team is pleased to invite you to our following talks events :

1. Tuesday 2.3.2010, from 15:00–15:30


Dr. Bernhard Sputh, sr. software manager Altreonic

2. Thursday 4.3.2010, from 12.00-12.30  

Hall 11, stand 11-201

Eric Verhulst, CEO/CTO Altreonic

Your presence will surely make these talks more interesting. you are always welcome to visit us at our booth :

Hall 11, stand 11-201.

3. Network further and meet Altreonic at the Artemis event.  

The ARTEMIS-JU Information Day Call 2010 which will take place from 1 March 2010 until 1 March 2010 at the Congress Cente Nuremberg Ost, Nuremberg, Germany.

We will be looking forward for your participation.


Altreonic News Q1 2010-1

1. Meet us at Embedded World 2010, Industrie Messe, ESEC, ERTS2

remaining items available from here:
2. New Company Profile
3. Asynchroneous services for OpenComRTOS
4. Ethernet support for OpenComRTOS
5. Latency demo shows OpenComRTOS real-time determinism
6. Enhanced OpenTracer
7. Session based host services
8. OpenCookBook analyses dependencies


1. Meet Altreonic at Embedded World 2010, Industrie Messe, ESEC, ERTS2

Embedded World 2010 Nuremberg, Germany, from March 2nd to March 4th. Embedded World remains the world's undisputed biggest get-together for the international embedded community. The exhibition set another new record in 2009 with more than 700 exhibitors, and some 16,000 trade visitors. Embedded World 2010 will again be the opportunity to see the latest trends and evolutions in embedded technologies, for hardware, software, tools and services.

We're looking forward meeting you on our booth 11-102. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to receive free entrance tickets to this exhibition.

Altreonic will be exhibit as well at:

  • Hannover Industrie Messe, from 19th till 23rd April, one of the largest exhibitions in Europe for industrial goods. Hall 9 F30/4

  • ERTS2, Toulouse, France,  from 19th till 21st  May. Embedded Real Time Software and Systems

  • ESEC, Tokyo, Japan, from 12th till 14th May, Asia's largest embedded systems technology expo. East Hall 5 34-8.

Embedded World Nuerenberg

ESEC Japan



Hannover messe



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